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Friday, July 18, 2008

The internet at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Sorry it has been so long faithful reading audience. All 3 of you.

I have a lot to write, but i have an intimidating countdown timer at the top of the screen that will shut off my internet access when it reaches zero. 7 minutes from now. Spelling errors will not be corrected in this blog.

things i have seen so far.

  1. 200,000 catholics celebrating mass at the same time
  2. 50,000 catholics celebrating mass at the same time
  3. 700 samoans gatheres all around me
  4. 100 papane guineans dancing the electric slide
  5. 70+ national flags
  6. 50 angolans dancing and singing
  7. 20 different religious orders
  8. 15 priests concelebrating mass at the same time
  9. 10 cardinals
  10. 5 days of stew
  11. 4 ugly people (there are beautiful people everywhere here
  12. 3 bishops celebrating mass in 3 days
  13. french p[eople kiss
  14. 1 Pope Benedict the freaking 16th from no more than 5 feet away

WYD rules!!!!!!!!

More to come



1 comment:

Dad said...

Sound like a great time. Can't wait to see your pictures.