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Friday, July 11, 2008

So we have arrived in Australia. Mike Garcia and I are staying with a nice australian couple names John and Margaret Livingstone. I can't think of a more Brittish name.

Last night we went to the commisioning mass @ the Telstra Dome. There were over 40,000 people from around the world there for the mass. COmmunion was quite the ordeal if you can imagine.

This guy said the mass for us. Cardinal Pell, and three of his cardinal homies. There were also over 70 bishops (We miss Eu B), and well over 500 other priests, in vestments. Fr. Novak just wore his blacks and his collar.

On the way back from the dome we were packed in to the train with a whole bunch of otehr people, and looked something like this.

On the docket for today: A footy game, and shopping, and a visit to the Cathedral.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

yea for footy games@!! Enjoy your day!