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Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Marty! You gotta come back with me!!

Sorry, not Brian Hooge today. This is Zak Kastl with this WYD update.

We are currently in Aukland's International Airport waiting for our final flight to Melbourne. Some problems with the plane (either engine trouble or heater problems) are preventing us from leaving. The current UPDATE time is 9:30 NZ time. Despite this, we're still excited for the experience and look forward to all the fun!

By the way, though the blog will display the current time back home, it is tomorrow (9/11/08) here. Seeing the future, I can tell you all that today will be a good day. We have found a book here, called "Gray's Sports Almanac". It gives the scores of all the matches for the day, so let the betting commence!


Unknown said...

where's hooge!!! :)

Biteofpunkinpie said...

zac you crack me up!!!!