- They serve cheesenips. This struck me as very odd for a couple of reasons. First is that after doing my very unscientific consumer stud on square cheese crackers, people choose Cheezits 99.97% of the time over cheese nips.
So this says to me that the only market that Cheese nips still has is that of airline travel and is then forced upon the travellers. Second is that there was a wimp on the plane that had a peanut allergy and therefor deprived the rest of us of our peanutty goodness.
- I ordered a giner ale. There is only one reason for odering a gingerale. It is really really really bubbly. Unfortunately on Southwest they don't give you a can of ginger ale, they go to the back of the plane, pour all the pops and deliver them in cups, so when you get your gingerale in a little squatty plane cup, it is just slightly less bubbly than sprite (wich is only slightly bubblier than water)
So those things make me laugh.
Also, I was walking around the international terminal, and there is a distinct odor present. I think it is a mixture of all the funny smelling people from around the world mixed together. It is almost pleasent. :)
Then i was walking past some TSA people, and one yelled BRAVO at the top of his lungs and started screaming at me to stop moving. After everyone stopped moving, one of the head TSAers said, "Good Job everyone. That was just a test, but you did very well."
Anyway. I chuckled.
scratch that. there are two good reasons for ordering ginger ale, the second being that it helps with nausea when you're pregnant. which i'm sure is the REAL reason you ordered it, right Hooge?
can't wait to hear about the rest of your adventures!
You must have been on a bad swa flight because we had our choice of a six pack of cheese and crackers, oreo 100 pack, or wheat thins and the bonus was everyone got peanuts!!!
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